Thursday, 12 January 2012

Keep that cold/flu away!

It seems that everywhere I go this past week, everyone is sick with a cold or flu! Its that time of year, especially with the weather fluctuating temperatures so often!

Now everyone should know that the best way to let your body beat off a cold or flu virus is rest/sleep and drink lots of water to flush out the toxins, but I have some other little remedy recommendations that may help either prevent or help some symptoms you may be having.


Herbs give your body the materials and help it needs to fight whatever it is trying to get rid of. They do not mask symptoms, or add anything foreign to your body that may counteract the toxins. They just act as an aid to help you out!

PREVENTION: Echinacea, Oil of Oregano, Garlic
This dynamic TRIO works wonders to prevent that cold/flu virus! That feeling of a scratchy throat, body aches, etc. taking 1, 2 or even better 3 of these will help beat that virus away.
The best way to take these herbs is through TINCTURES (strongest, most concentrated liquid and fastest!) They are found at any local natural health store.
Capsule form is also available! If taste is not an issue and for extra dosage, teas always helps to get both water into you and the herb itself.

Also, something to keep in mind during this prevention time is Vitamin C (through food, liquid & capsule supplements), Astralagus and Goldenseal can help!

Sometimes, even in your hardest efforts, that virus wins and has started to attack! Here are some herbs that will help based on symptoms to fight off and aid relief during these times.

GINGER: antiseptic, pain reliever

This herb is great for nausea! Can be taken in tincture, capsule, tea or eaten fresh. Ginger also helps with sore throats and fever!
**A great tip for high fevers is a Ginger Bath: draw a bath and using powder/ground ginger right in the water (2-6 tbsp up to 1/2 cup)

Cinnamon is also a great reliever of nausea or upset stomach and stop vomiting. Sipping on a tea is the easiest way to get the calming affects.

PEPPERMINT: decongestant, pain reliever, expectorant

This herb does wonders for relieving pain headaches/migraines. It promotes perspiration to aid and expel a fever. It even is comforting for congestion in the chest and throat and clears and soothes a stuffy nose/sinus.


Lemons are very rich and vitamin C to help get rid of toxins, and prevent them from re-entering, but it also soothes a scratchy throat and opens up the nasal cavity.
A great bedtime reliever is a having a hot water with lemon and honey! And a little CATNIP infusion (muscle relaxer and aids insomnia), will help make for a good nights sleep.
Lemon Balm helps get rid of toxins by promoting perspiration of the body, great when a fever has hit.

These are some of the most common herbs, but there are many more out there that aid in their own way! Feel free to contact me for any questions or help with herbal remedies! or twitter @naturalyou11


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